Your marriage is beautifully unique. You possess some attributes that are not found in your spouse. Likewise, your spouse possesses attributes that aren’t shared by you.

These unique attributes can be positive or negative. When two people of different backgrounds come together in marriage, they must be prepared to deal with each other’s differences.

Patience is the key to resolving these differences. With patience, you will finally experience peace in your marriage.

What is Patience?

Patience is your ability to tolerate or accept a situation over a short or long period of time without becoming annoyed or irritated.

For you to be a patient person, you must begin with love. “Love is patient, love is kind.” 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is the main characteristic that allows us to accept each other regardless of our differences.

A loving person will find patience to be easier. For example, patience is knowing your spouse is not accustomed to washing the dishes, but you continue to wash them while you patiently encourage them to help. Another example of patience is addressing your spouse’s serious anger problem not by leaving your home, but by seeking wise Christian counseling.

Patience as a Necessity for Peace in your Marriage

Patience can be developed through practice, maturity and understanding. Most of us are not born with patient temperaments. Generally, patience comes through practice. You must endure a testing process before you reach patience.

Both husband and wife must develop patience to resolve marital problems in a peaceful manner. Patience will help you avoid serious arguments that might lead to separation.

To demonstrate patience in your marriage is to show your spouse you are willing to be faithful, regardless of how long the growth process may take.

Patience with your spouse requires a willingness to compromise. Where there is no compromise, there is no peace. It’s important to develop patience in your heart so you can experience peace in your marriage.

Patience is love, understanding and care. When your spouse feels loved, understood, and cared for, they will be more loving, understanding, and caring of you. You will both be more patient with one another, and experience greater peace due to patience.

Key Biblical Counsel & Warfare Strategies for Your Victory

1. Allow your spouse to correct his or her own mistakes.

We have a natural inclination to respond to errors quickly, even if it requires us to act on behalf of the person at fault. Wives especially tend to immediately react by fixing the problem themselves. But this is not necessarily a healthy approach. It’s better to be patient with your spouse while they learn the consequences for their actions. Don’t be so quick to pick up after your spouse—let them learn to take responsibility.

2. Try to be understanding.

Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues with patience. For example, if a wife continually makes her husband late because she spends too much time trying on different outfits, he can practice understanding instead of impatience. Maybe she has some body image issues that need his love and support. This can be learned with understanding.

3. Pray for patience.

Through prayer, you can ask the Lord to teach you to be patient and how to bring peace to your marriage.

4. Remember your Helper, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit helps us to do the things God desires us to do but that we cannot do ourselves. Patience is a fruit of the spirit according to Galatians 5:22-23.

5. Seek godly counsel.

If marriage issues continue to come up with no resolution and no peace, consider seeking godly counsel. That’s where Battle For Your Life can help.

Angela Lowe, MS. Ed., LPC
Angela Lowe is a licensed Professional Counselor, trained Biblical Counselor and certified Holistic Health Coach. Her kingdom mandate is to restore God’s counsel to transform lives, marriages, and churches worldwide.